Before and After – Sketch and Drawing
Just to show a bit of process and how a sketch is a placeholder for drawing I’ve got an example from the series I am working on for Illuxcon. I have prints of the original sketches taped to the boards I am doing the paintings on. the second photo shows the redrawn images on the boards (I still have some looseness in the background to be filled in with paint). Basically I use the sketch as a map to locate the main composition and then, using reference, I redraw onto the board and push the forms, anatomy and shapes to a more finished form. This is the part I actually enjoy the most after the initial idea generation. Drawing something and watching it come to life is truly one of the greatest pleasures. The next step after sealing these will be to do the underpainting which is for me is taking the line drawing and turning it into a tonal drawing. I’ll share that stage in my next post – I have some really fun ideas I want to try out this time!
- Sketches
- Drawings