Illuxcon Bound!
Illuxcon 2017
Tomorrow I leave for Illuxcon – to see all the amazing work, see all the wonderful friends I have made over the years, to drink in ART for five days! This is the highlight of the year for myself and so many others.
This year I have truly gone all out to make my offerings in the showcase something special. I am also introducing two kickstarters I am working on: The Derpies and Hamsterhead Hall Playing cards. I will have about 50 Derpies and some Halloween Derpkins on hand for sale this weekend in the Showcase. I will have samples and a portfolio of the drawings I’ve completed so far for the Hamsterhead Hall project to preview as a sneak peek not available online!
- November 2017
- November 2017
- Spring 2018
I’m bringing back some pieces from last year, with some new additions! Spock now has a crew with him this year – Kirk, McCoy and Uhura. You may have to pry McCoy our of my hands – he’s my favorite. I have a series of oil studies I did as part of a productivity exercise that had it’s successes and its failures, but I did manage to produce some lovely images that I’ll be displaying for sale. And finally the Girls as I have been calling them. These are a continuation of the paintings I did two years ago: Fire, Earth and Rain. I truly love where these have gone and I have a stack of these to do when I get back.
These pieces will be available exclusively at Illuxcon for the duration of the show and will be for sale on my site next week after I return.
Can’t wait to see you all there!
- Gouache Painting – Spock ©2017 Julia L Powell
- Gouache Painting – Kirk ©2017 Julia L Powell
- Gouache Painting – McCoy ©2017 Julia L Powell
- Gouache Painting – Uhura ©2017 Julia L Powell
- Gouache Painting – Lady Bluebell ©2017 Julia L Powell
- Gouache Painting – Bluet ©2017 Julia L Powell
- Gouache Painting – Bittersweet Melancholoy ©2017 Julia L Powell
- Gouache Painting – Firepink ©2017 Julia L Powell